

I thought in a dream
Rats running around all night ,
in my sleep , --------------------
the moonlight deluging
the firmament .
Familiar ghosts ;
rats running around all nighttide .
I was looking for you ;
in the alleys ;
inside the garth of white
poppy flowers .
You are flying like a morpho ;
the silent silver light
flows through the dark streams .
Countless birds were flying --------------
the hunter's shoot ;
rats run around all night.
The holy water of the sage
was not wielding ;
Cats become dog and tiger.
You were flying like a butterfly .
The water bodies were drying up ;
The fields were dwindling ,
the garden patios
were full of weeds .
The cerulean of the ambient
was running out ,
stubborn bombers were over
million of chimneys .
Ravenous rats run around
the house all night , ----------------
in my nightmare ,
you are weeping like a monarch .
Numerous caterpillars were burning
in the fiery garden of an igniting city.
The sirens were sounding
all over the horizon ,
You were lamenting in my dwam
as a butterfly .
Rats running around all night.

© Dhruva