

If I was a Girl

If I was a girl,
I would fall in love with a writer.
He would spoil me with words,
And he would write me away.

If I was a girl,
I would fall in love with a writer.
He would take me on an adventure in the day,
And he would read me a bedtime story in the night.

If I was a girl,
I would fall in love with a writer.
I will always have a library to read,
And a story to hear.

If I was a girl,
I would fall in love with a writer.
He is the best dreamer,
And the best lover.

If I was a girl,
I would fall in love with a writer.
He has wild Imagination
And big heart.

If I was a girl
If I was only a girl,
I would fall in love with a writer.
He would always know what to say me when I am sad and cheer me up.
He makes the best husband.