

The left wing and the right wing,
Are both part of the same bird, in harmony they sing.
Though they may differ in views and flight,
Together they guide the bird through day and night.

Each wing has its purpose, its role to play,
In guiding the bird through the tumultuous, away from preys.
Cause in the balance of their diverse flight,
lies the strength to navigate between wrong, and right.
Hence, it's good to remember, in times of disagreements or debate,
That unity, understanding and differences together equates.
Because a bird cannot soar with just one wing,
It takes both left and right for the journey to begin.
Besides, balance is found when they work as one,
In harmony's embrace, under the same sun.
Because the bird cannot soar if one wing is clipped,
United they're stronger, divided they're eclipsed.
So let us remember, in times of discord,
That unity prevails when we move towards
understanding and empathy, hand in hand,
And it's in unity's flight, we'll reach new lands!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo