

Eyes of a Thousand clothes
I've started seeing myself from the eyes of a thousand clothes
Still wondering , if they will fit me if I wore them!
I know they won't , cause they're a size too small
So offcourse I'm the problem at hand , not the clothes at the mall

Every mannequin ive ever seen, is not my shape or size
Therefore the clothes that I like ,will fit her not me!
So I'm the problem at hand , and there I stand
Looking at the weighing scale, with atmost despise and now I'm going pale!

From tomorrow I'm eating kale for brunch and let's skip two meals
Because I need to get thin as hell , for that 50% deal
So let's start starving because that's the right thing to do
Because that one dress at the cost of my health is totally worth it , don't you think so?

All my life , if been judging myself based on a no. behind that dress
Which , to be honest , is uncomfortable as hell ,but still
Seeing others promote thin figures, you think it's easy to to accept my curves and my over flowing plate of dinner

Heck no , so I prefer hand me down clothes
From my older siblings and every year I get more
This way I don't need to go to the mall every month end
And start hating my body , all over again!

© HennaG