

You can talk to me
"You can talk to me"
Doesn't mean I am interested in you through physical intimacy or any other way.
"You can talk to me" Doesn't mean I consider you weak.

"You can talk to me" And that conversation will never be revealed to anyone.
Even if you've never talked to me, even if we don't know each other, "You can talk to me"
Because I know pain, I know about things we cannot talk to the people we know, because there is a risk of being judged.

So at any time, about anything, "You can talk to me" And i won't tell you how to deal with, what you're doing wrong. I will just listen and be with you and then talk again and then again.

Yes, I know, I have felt it more than a million times and i just thought if someone who is an individual and not anyone connected to anyone I know would have been there, I would have broken down, even if it's just for a few minutes.
So go ahead, please, "Talk to me".

© Vinamra