

Silent Partners
What is the role of a Father? Are we nothing more than bystanders with no say as to what happens with our kids? It’s extremely frustrating to be on the sideline as decisions are made with regards to something you helped create with the expectation that we do just that stand on the sideline. Does the fact that the life is being formed in the mother’s belly make our concerns just that our concerns. No access to appointments where they check on the health of the baby. No opportunity to listen to doctors as recommendations are made or to ask questions as to the possible side-effects. It’s crazy that in a time where they preach equality and the importance of having both parents, FATHER’S are still nothing more than window dressing and if and when a claim is made against you no proof is needed to take those kids you love but hold up cut the check. All though you have no right to spend time with them you are forced to help financially. At the end of the day although both parents work the FATHER is still the one getting his wages garnished and their image tarnished. I guess year round is Mother’s day and father’s are forgotten even on FATHER’S DAY.

© Ariel Maria