

A Message From Me To You.
Hey son, I'm proud of you!
That's what I wish for my dad to say to me
All my life I've felt like a burden
But I guess it's time for me to start living
Sore thoughts is what I get for myself everyday
But when boy, when will you start living?

Five years ago I never saw myself like this
I've always said I'll be a better person in the future
But how can that happen if I don't work on myself now?
Now is the time to start changing!
Tomorrow might be too late to make a change
Cuz yesterday you were a baby boy,
yesterday you were a baby girl.
Now look at yourself and note the difference.

Cuz mama told me I was made for something better
She told me I was a gift the moment I was born,
she told me I was a blessing the moment I came into this life,
Now I ask myself, who I'm I and how I'm I important in this world?
What is that thing that I am made for?
If I don't know who I am then what about me is a blessing?
If you can't be good for the world , be good for the family!
© A Writer's Pen