

Accumulation of a life
Accumulation of a life

Stacks of boxes, empty bookshelves
Got my new keys for my new home
After eight years I'll be living alone
My own space, no longer a work place
The accumulation of a life
All crammed inside a van
I'm going to be an independent man
I've taken the bite, it's time to chew
A lot to swallow, don't want to choke
I've jumped in the deep end
I'm treading water, I need to swim
Going to have guidance and support But one day in the future
I'll have to do it on my own
The stabilisers are coming off
Can I keep my balance or will I fall
Will I be on my knees having to crawl
Or will I hold steady and upright
Will I push through the water
and crunch the bite to pieces
Life is as mixed as my metaphors
And filled with many, many chores
But I will hold steady, push through
And crunch this bite to pieces
© Andrew J Sinclair