

♦️💜see her standing out there.
♦️not noticing her is so rare.
♦️she's out there ready to share .
♦️her light and beauty so fair.
♦️💜her pretty face no one can mar.
♦️you can't help but notice her.
♦️a quite unique golden star.
♦️sparking shimmering and
♦️ glimmering from far.
♦️💜when she moves across the sky.
♦️ you have got to shout oh my.
♦️her majestic movement makes you
♦️and ask you why she doesn't draw
♦️ 💜oh lovely charming moon.
♦️I had thought you only shone in
♦️but now I long for the passing of
♦️cup then I Know I'll see you soon.
♦️💜Hy friends I really missed you all.specially @star369
♦️@fifa-12and @sweetsoul.
💜Love you all.

❣️writter haze 🦋❣️