

to given in to the dark
As far as a letter goes,
It was nondescript,
The message it carried was sinister
to all but you knew who to turn by looking heaven ward
you needed to not fear
the coming storm
you had thought long and hard about the trouble coming
It would come as it always did
at night in pitch black
but you where a creature
they knew nothing of
your very soul was that of
deaths hounds.
You kept things far darker than them
your shadow swirling from the ground taking the inky blackness of night around
it and giving it forumtwo ember like eyes alive as if seeking those that dared to face it many tried many failed
but that was not all that could be done
your room normally full of warmth now long colder than the summer night would naturally get ice was yours to command
the scythe your weapon that all mortals feared but even that was not your true strength as you step into the dark monster your shadow had become where man once stood
the grim now reigned freed from shackles that held your true darkness a bay for your powers where not narrowed they where the very essence of your past so long ago gifted when man stood no chance they would see soon enough
that your true strength was in your resistance of temptation against this dark force that strength they took when they took her as only she could control this your dark soul