


Mama born no fool,
The slogan in your head so full,
With charisma you carry yourself,
Behold the queen, African woman of style.

Mine fine daughter,
If powers I had, a bull I'd slaughter,
To show you how high I hold you,
For you are my own copy so true.

Daughter, today this letter I pen,
This world so large I compress,
To fit my advice to you my daughter,
For as a mother I ought not to fail.

Mine fine daughter,
The world is full of goodies,
Some diamond some bronze,
Picking your choice your freedom.

Mine fine daughter,
Before stepping out send a prayer up,
For our going out and coming back is His,
He who we can't bargain with.

Mine fine daughter,
Plenty on your plate you will have,
But what you eat matters most,
Don't eat what will cause stomach upsets.

The peanut you'll have please bow,
Thirsty for huge kindly blow,
Better a small hut with peace,
Why live in paradise in tears?

Mine fine daughter,
Humility and humbleness will take you far,
Good virtues the most beautiful attire,
Fine morals the captivating smile in a lady.
© June Mwangangi (Zari)