

Here is a flower, take it in your hand
Look at it when the presence of me is scarce
When your heart feels cold and empty
If you feel that noone cares
If your thoughts are feeling wreckless and you feel like pulling hairs
If you just can't make it to a phone just know I'm always there
Glance over at this little flower when you feel alone
If your heart just don't feel home to this flower make it known
I said this not knowing that soon this little flower you mindlessly let go.
Its slightly warped petal, imperfect perfection
Sky blue floret, decay brushed Corolla
It's vibrance gradually dwindling
What was once joy kindling, buoyant, and happy, soon became frigid, cold, so much room for mending
Is there thoughts of me still lingering, in that mind I once read facilely
Does your R.E.M swept psyche still dream of me?
Am I a ghost in your memory.
Ill just watch as your forgetting me
When you swore to me eternally you'd

By:Justus Pete
@Justus_poetry226 #forgetmenot. #fakelove #brokenpromises

© poetic_justus11/07