

fly far, love
the rust on the chains of this old cage
represents the time you've stayed in this place
singing the words for freedom
i never deciphered
singing the words to experience the outside world
but i never understood
so let me unlock the doors for you
let me guide you through this dark evening
let your wings open
let it fly
chase the dreams
you want to chase
reach for the moon
the stars
the universe
find a place to stay
find a home to claim
and if you struggle
find your way back to me,
my heart will always be open to claim
what it wants to claim
and if you decide to never come back
I'll just pretend you found love
you found a home
you chased your dreams
you're soaring high
above the mountain
above the clouds
so fly far,
fly high
fly where you want to be
fly to the person you love truly
fly far, love
fly away from me
for all i ever wished is for you to be happy