

Ripple Rings
I'm worth my weight in ordinary rocks– from the Andromeda Galaxy.
They wouldn't understand if I drew a picture, they ain't beating shit outta me.
Heart of gold in a bank vault, I hold the key to the master key.
Egyptian visions and knowledge, yeah I study the mysteries.
My enemy's are cowards, they step on feet, then say, 'dont mister, please!'
I'm propelled by something unseen, just watch how my pistons weave.
I miss the blissful neck sting, the bite of a worthy kittens teeth.
I've been eating with my hands, can I lick a real spoon please?
What's the capital of my heart? Can you answer that riddle tease?
Throw peanuts at fools, break a piece off his brittle. Squeeze.
I wish to have my chest pierced, and I don't mean a nipple ring.
I feel pain that gives strength, just want love that is crippling.
When PTSD has me wary, I smoke a little green.
Put my lid back on please, I'm not done, I'm still pickling.
These social politicians wear their hammer and sickle rings.
I stay near a pond dear, in a ponder, making ripple rings.
© Sebastian Grey