

Yes, I am a homemaker
Yes, I am a homemaker,
I use all my working hours productively serving at home, don't office employees do the same in the office?
Yes, I am a homemaker,
I cook a variety of good and new food recipes at home, don't chefs do the same in the hotels?
Yes, I am a homemaker,
I work more for keeping the good health of my family, don't doctors do the same in the hospitals?
Yes, I am a homemaker,
I care for the small savings I possess, so I spend them with proper planning, don't fund managers do the same?
Yes, I am a homemaker,
Whenever my children or my partner feels low, I try my best to motivate them, don't motivational speakers do the same?
Then why their works are honored and not mine?
Why they get fame and not me?
Yes, I am a homemaker in the eyes of the world, who even aren't paid for the amount of work being done by us.
(Dedicated to all the homemaker parents)

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© Sandeep Bhagwat