

I'll Forget You
And after a long time
I saw your name again,
I have forgot to keep
you in my heart,
but was not so forgettable
to spill you off from my mind,
when I saw your name again
I remembered it all
I felt that all
All the emotions in one glance
and when you got the opportunity
to talk towards eyes,
your "Who are you?"
towards me,
made me to act fake infront
like "I mistook you from someone"

I don't wanted to remember
someone, who doesn't wanted
to remember me anymore.

I'll forget you
like you do to me,
or else let's act like we do.

but my heart still
remember you.
I still remember you,
It's not those eyes that
saw you,
It's not those ears that
heard you,
It's not that mind
to know you

It was all my crazy heart,
who got my soul.

I thought it's my mind
but no, it was my heart.

© Hazel