

Priceless jewels
Dear Men,
Show me a virtuous woman And I will prove to you
She is far more than the worth of gold
Women are the reason for man's existence
I bet a man cannot leave without a woman
They are indispensable

A virtous woman
Is in charge of her home
The protector of the home
Just like a security guard to the president
Take a moment and think deep about the worth of a woman
She is priceless isn't it?
And a vital element in the society
Without a woman,there can't be you

If a woman is priceless
Then you don't have the right to beat her
If you can't smash your phone when it hangs
You have no right to beat her.
Your phone contains vital things
So also is the woman
Treat her with love
And the way you would treat your own mother

#women are priceless
@Kimbe4034 @Kimba88