

You 2
I want to love you
I want to take deep breaths in your arms
Knowing that our tomorrow would be

I want to stay with you
To have and to hold
And when we face problems
We would never face them alone
Cause there would always be you
Where there's I
And I'd find peace in your eyes

I want to tell you
I love you
But then there's thoughts in my head
And my words get caught in my throat
Because what if it all ends invain
And as I say those words
We get torn apart in this world

I want to be with you
To scream at the top of my lungs
That you are mine and I yours
But then I watch you from a distance
And I fear that I may lose you completely
If I tell you indefinitely
How I feel

I want to know how you feel
Perhaps it's all in my head
And If I do speak you might feel same
You may hold me tight
And our tomorrow would be in sight

But I know I never will say
And like this we would stay
With you never knowing
And I secretly whispering

I Love You

© Dena's_poetry