

the time has Gone...

i see all new buildings are now
shopping mall arounds us,
where once upon a time it was our playing
all birds singing the sun shine very different and all
green grass wipe my sweat.

the golden period where we only
think of playing and candy
i grew up in mud but these days
kids grew up in news and
internet feeds everyday

pherhaps the times and advancent gone
too far , those coldy winter amd warm
summer were never return back
but i kept my solitude towards
and feel like it was the best time i
ever live

maybe the progression of time is
necessary so people are aligned to it
but am here trying to tell you
that past times are too good to live
as our present time crumble apart

So i realise those i think a lot
and mesmerise , the only feeling is nostalgic one
and i dream and hope
for same life again..

#dedicated #to #pure #soul
© Astral projections