

God Has Shown
His hand
He’s saved a leader
A man
Who needed nothing
Who came to the aide
The of a people in need
A people losing faith
A people who needed to see
To see our Father in heaven
In action
As he sent an angel
A angel to turn the head
The head of a man
A faithful man
A servant of God
Believe it or not
This was real
No doubts in God
No faults in his intentions
Father took control
His angels came
When they were told
By the Father
In Heaven
Doubt Him
If you dare
Refuse him if want
But don’t overlook
The truth
God is here with us
He see all
He knows all
He loves all
But He will not allow
The darkness to continue
He will not continue to allow
You to murder the innocent
Nor will He continue to ignore
Your own lies
It is not to scare you
It is to warn you
He has come
His angels are here
To protect you and me
From the darkness that leads us

© Robert prezioso