

The Bridge.

Sad, tired, overwhelmed, confused,
attacked by so many emotions at once,
I find myself on the bridge
I want to take that step forward
that step to launch me into oblivion
into what I think is sweet darkness
I hesitate
is this really the solution?
Is darkness really the end of this misery?
flashing back, I remember all the good days,
the times before it all became blank
the days when smiles were in abundance
the periods full of laughter and joy
when my emotions were clear cut
and my mind wasn't numb or clouded
my mind wages war with itself
should I?
should I not?
maybe it can get better
maybe, just maybe I can get by
the memories of happiness can be enough to steer me out of the bleakness
there's still so much to do,
so many people to meet
so many adventures to take.
looking down below, I think
what brought me here?
why did I think I could jump?
closing my eyes, I reach for my inner strength.
the possibility of joy and happiness seeps into my mind until it completely takes over
I can do this, I can smile again.
with all these in mind, I turn around and get off the bridge.

© Adeife.