

Can I come in?
Life has been so much a snowstorm
Some blizzards wrecked me,
The spitting snow froze all trust
I knocked on doors and was denied shelter,
In some homes I barged forcefully,
Desperate to avoid the rain,
Then got kicked back out to face,
The winter's merciless wrath.

J got tired of trying
And just waited to die
Slowly I trudged deeper into the woods,
Then I saw a light
And I said to myself
Try just this once
And with the last ounce of strength
I knocked on the door.
Then I heard footsteps.

The smell of cottage pie reminded me
It had been days since I last saw food.
Your eyes swam in tears when you scanned me
And I asked if I could come in
You said nothing, just whisked me off my feet
And got me inside
To a warm fire, a warm meal, dry clothes
And plenty of hot water
That warmed my heart
To try to love again.

You made me part with my rags
And we wove a new beginning together
The past's guilt and ghosts forgot me
When you showed me the change
And this new me began to smile.

I came in hoping to leave later
But it happened otherwise
I stayed, for life.
because I found myself at home
With you.

© Taeniel Athie