

The Right Choice
Oh my dear, let me


The difference between the

lefties, let's give it a try.

First, we have the liberals,

quite moderate they are

They believe in rights, but

won't go too far.

Next, we have leftists, a bit

more extreme

They want to tear the system down at its seams,

Revolution is what they seek

to bring about change

Their radical views might be

hard to arrange.

And then there's the

left-winger, they're the wild


They'll stand on the street

corner and they'll go wild

They'll yell and they'll scream, demanding their due,

And you'll wanna tear

your ears off before they're through.

So, whether it's one...two..

or even three,

The fact is, they're all still

crazy to me,

For I choose to stand

on the right,

Where truth, and

God's Word still count

for something in a

world that's lost its sight!

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