Beauty and the Beast
Believing true beauty comes from within, her
Everlasting love for me is undeniable
And comes from deep inside
Us, I will always
Your time and love
As you Anne will
Never be
Denied my love, affection, and
Time as it’s yours by design as you
Have me entangled and
Entrapped in your mind all the time her
Beauty and grace show off her
Attribute from your
Saucy attitude
To your two eyes that always shine and have me mesmerized
It’s like a timeless tale of romance
For our love, we never have to question
Our goal is to reach a higher plane of existence
With just one bet we could win it all back
And so much more is in store for us
As we haven’t a care in the world
When we’re wrapped in each other’s loving embrace
Together forever
For all time
You are his greatest creation
A masterpiece to say the least
He broke the mold after he made you
For me and I for you
I heard your call
So long ago
Searching for
You all my life
Near and far
In my dreams, fantasies,
And now in my reality
As dreams truly do come true
© The War Torn Poet
Everlasting love for me is undeniable
And comes from deep inside
Us, I will always
Your time and love
As you Anne will
Never be
Denied my love, affection, and
Time as it’s yours by design as you
Have me entangled and
Entrapped in your mind all the time her
Beauty and grace show off her
Attribute from your
Saucy attitude
To your two eyes that always shine and have me mesmerized
It’s like a timeless tale of romance
For our love, we never have to question
Our goal is to reach a higher plane of existence
With just one bet we could win it all back
And so much more is in store for us
As we haven’t a care in the world
When we’re wrapped in each other’s loving embrace
Together forever
For all time
You are his greatest creation
A masterpiece to say the least
He broke the mold after he made you
For me and I for you
I heard your call
So long ago
Searching for
You all my life
Near and far
In my dreams, fantasies,
And now in my reality
As dreams truly do come true
© The War Torn Poet