

The loud whispers
Stepping on the fallen leaves,
He went on his way to somewhere,
The crushing sound seemed known,
For his heart too was crushed by his heartbeat itself,

The wind came from behind and went ahead,
Whispering something in his ears,
'She left you alone, didn't she?'
It said, making him whimper in fear, 

The gust made the mapple leaves rustle,
Murmuring something to him as he stopped to listen,
'She will comeback someday, Trust your love.'
They said, easing the bitter pain of her burns,

The cold breeze roared again,
Saying something that made him shiver,
'Oh my! Look at you! How pathetic and impotent. You think she'll come to YOU?'
He cried out loud while the sky looked at it with pity and so did the river.

He cried in melancholy and screamed in denial,
The leaves too left in the breeze that could smother the flame,
The sky was now dark and the silence screamed so loud,
But everything was unheard by him for his love turned into an unbearable pain.