

Finding real self
I remained silent,
So that they could know it hurt.
Say sorry,
So that it could settle things,
But they took it as a right.

Try to please them,
So that it could bring peace.
The more I try to do so,
The more it hurt.
My loneliness is like a deserted Island.

Anxiety kept me stuck,
Thinking of finding a way out.
Tears rolled down my cheeks,
Seemed like a cloud hovering over my head,
Am I the one not stable?

Try to associate,
So that they can accept me,
Rather I was indirectly rejected.
Burst into tears,
Thinking the puzzle will be solved one day.

The more I over think it,
The more lot of questions kept pondering my mind.
Pop,it was a question surfacing the peripheral of my mind,
Do you want people's self?
Or you want your real self?


© ley oppy