

Was it my fault or was it yours?
We had our problems but I thought our love was more.

You were always the adventurous type.
While I always seemed to remain in place.
You wanted to go out and live your life.
Many nights away from our base.

If I had only noticed your moist eyes shine.
I would have been there to stop your time.
If I had only pressed you on all your white lies.
The desperation wouldn't have had to rise.

If I had only intercepted you one of those nights.
You could still be here with me in this fight.
If I had only asked to join you one late night.
A glimmer could've been preserved from your dying light.

If I had only noticed the excess silence.
I wouldn't have left you alone on your island.
If we had only put a stop to the pointless violence.
We wouldn't have had to be tired of this.

If you had only reached out to me.
I would have shown you that you're still all I see.
If you had only confided in me.
We wouldn't have had to let this anguish be.

Everyday spent with her, I caressed her lovely whiskers.
Every night I fought with her, it was in soft whispers.

I ignored all of your subtle signs.
Until.. You told me one final line.

© SprintingBlind