

Can We ??
When I got less marks in exam,
Someone said everything will be fine.
When I got my periods,
Someone said everything will be fine.
When people harassed me, used me, hurt me,
Someone said everything will be fine.
When I felt in love,
Someone said everything will be fine.
When my heart broke,
Someone said everything will be fine.
When I lost someone to the unknown darkness,
Someone said everything will be fine.
When today we are losing thousands of people to the virus,
Someone is still saying everything will be fine.
This sentence seems to have magic doesn't it?
Everyone keeps saying it,
and we keep believing in it.
But is everything really fine?
Will everything really be just fine?
What about those who have lost their closed ones?
What about the two-year old infant
who will never have any memories of her father?
What about the daughter who have so many memories,
that today it is hard to just let go?
What about the wife whose sixty-five year old companion,
died in a hospital bed and she cannot even see him for the last time?
And what about the boy who is sitting in the darkest corner,
of his house,
whereas the hospitals are dumping his parents' body,
in the ganga?
What of them?
Will they ever be fine?
Can we help them be fine?
Can we?
Can we really?

© 🟡🟡daisy🟡🟡