

She haunts me
She haunts me,
Everytime I close my eyes,
Everytime I try to find the motivation,
Every single time I think I'm winning,
She haunts me.
Just when I think I have silenced her,
She sneaks up and doesn't care about the damage.
I know I'll never be rid of her,
I know I'll always hear her haunting me,
I'll never be able to live my dream with her,
I'll never be able to relax because she's always there,
She just haunts me everytime.
I can't leave the house,
But I can't stay inside,
I can't keep listening to her judging me,
Judging him and that girl over there,
that girl with the really bad hair...
I hate her but she just loves sticking around,
I'll fight her again,
Maybe one day I'll win,
Maybe just maybe she might just slip away as quick as she sneaks up.
Until then I'll keep fighting her,
I'll do it until there's no fight left in me,
But for now I'll let her think she's winning.
She here now telling me how crappy this is,
But that's just what she does isn't it?
That's just how Anxiety likes to work.
She likes to haunt and,
She haunts me.

© Kirst-PowPow