

Bitter Sweet Love of Pain
Another day has past, I closed the window.
Darkness remains but I remain here as nothing, lost, and in pain. Though it hurts I'm afraid to open the window. I fear the thought of having to face another day. Does it make sense to pay this price every day.

Screaming out at the top of my lungs hoping someone can hear, but no one can see me, the only one who knows I'm here is me. How much time has past, an eternity in every second that pass. It is hell as the flames scorch my flesh to mend only to melt again.

Lucifer has come to experience my flesh and takes euphoric delight in the bitter sweet pleasure of this paradox. A glutton for the guilty pleasures that walks the line of pleasure and pain. A drug like no other, addicted to my self affliction, a feeling not felt since the days of being in the presence of his father's grace.

Staring into my soul, the transference of the metaphysical draws tears of empathy as a realization of kindred spirits we have become in his Stockholm. I understand as I accept his loving embrace.
© Brandon Dale Henderson