

Knocking on heaven's door
Been doing a lot of thinking lately, and the more I delve into my inner self
The more terrified I am of what I'll eventually find
The pressures of life is weighing heavily on my shoulders, and its turning me into someone I never wanted to be
Volatile, erratic, disconnected
I've been knocking on heaven's door for the longest time but my cries seem to have fallen on deaf ears
Maybe the Almighty has had enough of me, and I can't really blame Him
In my attempt to belong, and to feel something other than deafening numbness, I've been on a endless pursuit, but the consequences of that, just led me further into the abyss
And on my darkest days, there's no shoulder, no reprieve, just a stained pillow with sore eyes
I am irreparably sad, and I don't know how much longer I can stay afloat
My heart yearns for a relief
I just hope it arrives before the air in my lungs eventually gives out