

fragile doom lines of love
He was head over heels in love with her.
She sighs after taking a long breath...
He sobs uncontrollably…
As they try to break through the glass that divides their times, each time with a different ending:

"Their love, a force that cannot be contained,
Breaking through the glass that once restrained,
Together, at last, their souls intertwined,
A love like theirs, impossible to find."

"Frantic fingers press against the pane,
Their love, a torrential pouring rain,
Breaking through the glass, they finally meet,
Their love, a union that can't be beaten."
"Against the glass, they press their lips,
Their love, a wildfire that never dips,
Breaking through, they embrace with might,
Their love, a beacon in the darkest night."

"The glass shatters with a deafening sound,
Their love, a symphony that knows no bounds,
In each other's arms, they find their peace,
Their love, a bond that will never cease."

© to pay ali-muahaha