

the last three seconds
My heart,as just swallowed the blood it is supposed to pump. I wanna move my hand,but its like it is so addicted to the ground. The smell of death becomes sweeter than that of roses 🌹. in the simple three seconds I can see my intire life flash back.
I wanna move my leg but they are disconnected to my mind.....I wanna open My eyes but its like they are scared of the light......I wanna open my mouth but I have swallowed a punch 👊 from death.
at this moment death is an old friend which gives meaning to life.......it makes you appreciate your kids and your wife.
everything stops its like a pain relief.
That's why the fear of death is the beginning of a mistake,for everyone is bound to leave this earth.

inspired by dexter.......
don't fear death but face it when it comes 💯