

Story of love

When it comes to love there's always a story.
Some glorified, some r amplified so tht there the survivor.
Some r horid,while some r holy...
Love is a strange thing.
Some love to see u leave, somelove ur being...
I've seen love diminish.
I've seen love tht hits the ceiling.
But my story of love, is love in its true meaning..
Tht wats created by God, and shared by is creation us his children......
Loveless and and old soul.
3 times have come back to the living, for I never accomplished my goal..
And maybe thts y I grew accustomed to having a lonely soul. But god knew the whole story t b told..
Some claim love is a weakness.
But I'm tuff and bold, I'm strong and my feet still don't fold.
I don't think love is a weakness for it completed my soul. Maid me whole.
Ok but maybe I'll b weak if I lose ur hold.
For I have strolled alone.
And there's nothing like tht special someone to warm u, when it's cold.
Love is an amazing thing. And I love my lady with everything..
For love conquers all.
Love conquers hate.
Like light does a dark night..
I love u, with my all.
I never knew love, till love found me.
New experience for such an old soul..
But I fell in love.
And in March it felt like Xmas. 2 doves in love.
At first sight of ur beautiful eyes.
At first look at ur dimples tht ur smile brought out to light.
A full moon reflecting the sun's beams was tht night..
Born from god,and is almighty. Like loves us. I shall love u. Love.
Simply cus I love..
So in detail I shall write, line after line.
Of how much I love u.
Ur the woman of my dream.
The queen in my eyes when I wake.
My friend when I'm in need.
My savior when old scars start to bleed again.
The love of my soul.
Ur the loving clear thoughts of my mind.
For there's dust no more.
Ur blood run thru my heart and veins.
I love u..
So in reality, this ain't a story.
It's how I feel about u..
My love