

Date 🤵👰💍
August 28 has been stamped
I always know we are a perfect match,
when we will walk down the aisle
on black and white,
let's make a pledge before everyone seated here
to each other we will stand
and face our journey of this narrow rocky road,
on years after then...
I hope we will take to heart
the speaker reminder from God
and build a feather that no strong winds can fall,
I hope you'll understand that..
it is a life time commitment,
so don't rush every single piece of word
take your time to look deep straight to the eye
before you say yes,
you should be convinced of the star
that shines brightly in your heart,
the very same star you kept steering at afar
even when you looked away
you never missed the star
in the midst of other stars alike,
if that is the case
your Yes should be louder without the mic,
August 28 is the day for you oh sunflower
but my words are the advice to take to heart
for other lovers,
when you fix your own date
for a start of your journey heart to the end
then come and listen carefully to every single lines again.

© SJ Allone