

The Sway in the Dawn
In the ethereal embrace of morn's soft glow,
A tapestry of hues begins to show,
As darkness fades, unveiling skies anew,
Behold the birth of day, a wondrous view.

With gentle whispers, zephyrs start to play,
Caressing meadows where wildflowers sway,
Their petals dance, kissed by the sun's warm rays,
A symphony of colors, nature's praise.

The world awakens, stretching from its sleep,
Awash in golden light, secrets to keep,
The sway in the dawn, a graceful ballet,
Where dreams and reality freely sway.

The trees, like sentinels, reach for the light,
Their branches sway, embracing morning's might,
Leaves rustle softly, like a whispered tale,
A serenade that nature loves to hail.

As dawn unfolds, the creatures rise and sing,
Their melodies, like magic on the wing,
From feathered choirs in every hidden nook,
Their songs of joy, an invitation took.

The sway in the dawn, a tranquil retreat,
Where time stands still, and worries find defeat,
In this ephemeral and sacred space,
We find solace, our spirits find their place.

So let us revel in the dawn's embrace,
And feel its gentle sway upon our face,
For in its tender grip, we find release,
A momentary respite, inner peace.

Oh, sway in the dawn, enchant us each day,
With your celestial dance, forever sway,
Through shifting skies and landscapes yet untrod,
We'll find our harmony within your nod.
© thekennyadetule