

A Golden Chance Lost To Gold!
I had a memory of him
Always busy in office,
In another city,
Visiting us on Sundays for work & then catching 4:30 sharp the same day ...
When home during occasionally during festivals...always looking at the files or watching television
Sipping that tantalizing tea with great delight
but no memory of playing with my sister and me.....
But the pictures don't lie, he brought us toys and lots of trains to play with, and on Sundays we played for half an hour or so as he didn't have time..
As sung by an old photograph. ...but difficult to recount..
We vowed that we won't be like him ....
After all spending time with family wasn't a favour....
Scolding for this and scolding for that ... a way to meander from his parenting & familial duties.....
While, mother did whatever was in her capacity..... to make us better beings and empowered ... !
Maybe one day, father will realise he lost a lot,silver as well as golden chance of cherishing & experiencing family , by giving primacy to money..& only money !

© kalika singh