

20 minutes only!!
If I will have 20 minutes only,
You have to be still live happily.
The day when I passed away,
Please convince yourself to don't cry,
Because I can't see tears,
In your beautiful eyes.

If I will have 15 minutes only,
I will be always with you honestly,
The moments we sit together and laugh together,
Will always be altogether.
We were the true friend,
This is our friendship, which will never have any end.

If I will have 10 minutes only,
Don't feel lonely.
Take my last sorry for every fight,
You are the one who brings brightness in my night.
I wish I could have one more day to spend with you,
I will ask same that, how do you do.

If I will have 5 minutes only,
I will meet you definitely.
Now the God has called me, time to get my wings,
Leave this greedy World,
And enjoying the heavens beautiful things.

Now I will take rebirth to meet you again,
It is a beautiful cycle, I can't explain.
You don't have to bear the depression of loosing me sadness and pain anymore,
I am always in your heart's core.

I will wait for you in heaven, I will not let you come alone,
The day Angels came for you
please be there to bring me to home.

-Vaishnavi Anand.

© vaishnavi713