

I am a poet... ( part 2)

I am a poet.
Poetry is my escape
From the cruel world aside from paper
I write words and letters
in my tiny hidden notebook

Hidden desires
Dreams and aspirations
Begging and desperation
And words of affirmation

Everything flowing through me
Like tears written on paper
Like happiness described by letters

Writing is my therapy.
Paper is a good listener
And I am a prisoner.
Trapped in her own head
Drowning in her own thoughts

Not being weak enough to talk
But being brave enough to let it out
Not telling people
But communicating with my notebook

Feelings I need to process
Situations I want to talk about so desperately
But I can't
I just can't

What if scenarios
Happening nowhere but on paper
Worries that will either kill you
Or save you
Either never ever happen
Or that will come and destroy me
From the inside out

Screams from the voices in my head.
Tell me to stop
Tell me to think less
But not stopping to talk and talk
Not giving me a moment of peace

Thoughts flowing from left to right
I never
Stop thinking

If I said everything out loud
That I am talking about
With the silent voice
Trapped inside my head

God knows what will happen
If my mother saw those poems
If my father could read minds
I couldn't escape.
That's all I know.

But thinking about what ifs
Is still not letting me go.

I am a poet
What if they saw those poems?...

Note from me:
This is part 2 of my poem " i am a poet" so if you haven't read part one yet, then i would be happy if you would read that too.
How do you like this?
i think we need a part 3 aswell.
i have 2 other poems in process currently so they will be coming soon aswell.
Do you like me writing notes at the end of my poems?

© DenisTelemaris