

What is healthy ?
Something harmless that don't kill you right?
Usually its bland and safe... No calories...
To me it's boooo-riiii-ng!
I like sweet and dangerous things,
Exhilirating... Exciting...
It makes my feeble heart race...
Chugging down Adrenaline cos then i feel alive!
...And when the voices of reasoning try to direct my path,
I take their GPS in tad bits and develop an App for navigating my own reality.
Once, I lived like a living dead,
Holding on to normalcy like my life depended on it...
Scared to be, scared to feel ...
Until suicide happened and now i'm alive... More alive!
I live by my rules; it's model, a combination of mine and my ancestor's...
And now I'm free!
I'd rather "feel" than "not feel"
Cos life is feeling... A total experience!
© A. S. Adaora