

Being A Man
We're only given love if we're able to provide,
Yet people wonder why men has the highest rate of suicide.
Woman & children are the only ones loved unconditionally,
My spirit is breaking trying to solve this mystery,
We're told to suppress our feelings but we're not machines,
How can we control ourselves when all we want to do is scream.
For just showing any form of emotions they call us weak,
Never being allowed to rest, only in death can we sleep.
I'm sick of being told to get over it and man up,
Or being told to deal with it cause life sucks.
When we show any form of masculinity, we're called toxic,
No matter how much we close our hearts, we're unable to lock it.
Will we ever be valued and love without conditions,
I'm just so puzzled & don't know what piece is missing...
© Gary Cliff