

Climate change
I walked along the beach,
Oh what a great change I can see,
My childhood memory have been diminished,
No more thick mangroves patch where we use to catch crabs,
Where's the lines of trees, I look around all I see is sand,
Walk down the reef to collect shells,
Oh Lord what happen to all of it,
Dead coral, no more greener seaweeds and shells,
My heart aches to notice all these,
From beautiful peaceful spot to a little dark world,
No more fish swim around.
Tides comes in I noticed a change,
Huge waves with no heart roaring loud,
No more mangroves and trees to stops it,
Sand and soil carried away, oh my land,
People in their house and not outside,
They all feared the bright light,
So, 2°C is now a big threat,
I looked at the children crying, no more sand to play on,
No more shells to make necklace,
Oh less trees for shade,
Health of all are affected,
Rootcrops and water sources are triggered,
Let's reflect and look back,
Oh, what cause all the effects,
The change in weather patterns,
The rate in mother earth temperature is increasing.
Lets start point it out, how the green house gasses rises up,
Burnings of plastic, gas from vehicles, cutting of trees, releasing and testing of atomic bombs some we named,
Heads together and rethink on what to do next,
Are we still going to contribute more carbon dioxide?
No, we have to start aware and work together,
To protect our mother earth and future generations.