

Confessions of a Sinner
Just one excuse not to pray,
was one step back from your presence.
In that moment I felt empty,
I lost my sense of purpose.
Righteousness felt like a burden.
"I'm a sinner" became my song.
Not so long I was dancing with the devil.
Suddenly my body needed to be touched.
Sexual desires sparked up,
Pornography became my favourite movie.
Fantasies.. my meditation.
My soul yearned for a soothing RnB song.
"I'll never be perfect" would be a perfect title of a poem.
I was more hungry for food than of the Word.
I knew I had to repent,
"But what if I sinned just once before church reopened?"
A gentle voice said "NO! repent for the Kingdom of God is near".
Even then I felt too used by the devil's deceit,
It felt too late.
But my Father was still gracefully waiting for me to run back to him in remorse.
Finally I played a worship song.
Before I knew it, I was on the floor weeping.
"LORD forgive me"
Psalm 51 became my new song.
I had finally realized I was wrong.
Now I can't wait to be a fool for you once again.
My faith has been tested.
But I still stand.
Yes I am imperfect
But your perfect peace will restore me once again.
I may be weak,
But when I'm weak I'm strong in you.
I need you LORD.
I need you.

"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."
_1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT

@faith_captures #Repentence #Godsword