


Damn ineffable

But don't be so close

It's smell can be felt

But description?

Can't be spelt

Who would not like to get a rose

But not everyone's hard work is worth it

For it does not let anyone get close

And it's thorn can make you go froze

Still if your quest

Is powerful than that of the rose

You will get you best

But along with the sacrifice of your rest

Similarly love is aesthetic yet complicated

For if you love sacrifice hurt and pain

Then only will you get

And of course you would be

Proud of that gain

And beware! For the word love

Itself is a cliché

At it if thousand times you stare

And if you don't know the way to handle it

Like the rose it's petals will fall

Leaving you broken and solitude

With nobody's call

For if you don't wanna burn

A lesson you should learn

If you dare not grasp the thorn

Never crave the rose

And on this thought do not scorn

You don't wanna deal?

Then put your mind in the seal

For you will miss the chance of Experiencing trance

And love is not

As lucid as you think

For it will make you

Go sink..