

empty promises
His endless empty promises were getting to be to much.
It was one after the other.
She didn't know what to believe anymore.
She wasn't going to win this fight for his love for there is yet another he loves more then anything he could ever remember loving, more then life itself.
She knew she could never compete .
It had wiped away his tears and helped him smile when he thought he never would again. It had comforted him when no one else was there. It had helped to hide his lonely, depressed, dying soul from deep within.
Maybe it was time to cry a few more tears as she tried explain it to him why she couldn't go on watching his self destruction.
Feeling the pain of this loss was almost as bad as watching somone you love dying and can't do anything save them, even if they wanted to help save themselves it was already to late... the damage was done.
She didn't know if he would do as he had said he would so many times before or would he lie to her again or worse hide it from her.
The way she seen it, he would keep speaking those words without meaning.
If he lied to her about this, he would lie about anything.
She started to tear up as her heart began to break with each beat it seemed to cry out for hers.
If he hid it from her, she would still know, women know these things, and that would ruin any trust she had left for him
The first tears rolled down her cheeks and began dripping off her chin as more started to pour like rain drops from the dark clouds in her eyes.
Watching this destruction was devastating for her.
She felt herself starting to feel sick inside
Her stomach started to turn as she watched him slowly, painfully dying by the hands of his evil mistress.
She leaned down and whispered in his ear " I told you that Bitch would take everything including your life."
"I'm sorry I had to be right about this , I wish I had been wrong". As she kissed him on the forehead.
She loved him deeply and she always would, but she couldn't continue this way anymore.
She Wouldn't fight for his love because he would never choose her over his succubus.
This time she decided for her own sanity she would walk away and try not to look back, try not to let her empathy tell her she needed him, that he wanted her by his side forever.
She wouldn't listen this time.
She wouldn't look back, not even a small glimpse over her shoulder in her rear view mirror.
She couldn't show the slightest bit of weakness this time .
She had to be stronger then she has ever had to be in her life.
She watched him for a few seconds with sadness in her heart and a lump in her throat. She wanted to help him one last time, but never again. He was on his own now.
She turned and headed towards the door.
Did he even see her leaving, hell did he even know she was there at all?
It didn't matter anymore.
Like it ever mattered.
Like she ever mattered to him.
He made his choice and she had made hers. She choose happiness. This time no one is going to take it from her.
She would guard it as closely as she did her heart .
Maybe She could have stayed if he could of just carried through with just one of the empty promises, just one was all she wanted from him. She didn't even care which one. Just one.
But he couldn't even keep the promise to love only her for better or worse till death do they part.
She remembered when he loved only her, the way he looked at her, the way he touched her, the way he talked to her. He was everything to her once. He was once good to her .
She could feel the love in his touch when he held her hand. And she loved him with her everything.
This was the hardest thing she had ever done.
Tears came to her eyes once again
As she thought of all the good times they had and at one time planned to have. Life together was supposed to be happy , good. But that was all just dreams and empty pillow talk .
Besides nothing is ever promised or forever.
Maybe when he wakes up he would realize what his guilty pleasure has cost him. Or would he just be happy she is gone hoping he would never have to see her again.
She wondered what went wrong, how she could have avoided this. She knew it could never be fixed. it would never be the same she couldn't trust him to tell her the truth. She couldn't trust him with her delicate heart. And she knew she could never again love him like she did in the beginning.
She knew it would be tough for a while,but she would pick up her pieces and put them back together a little different . The memories seemed to be trying to tell her to go back and try, as they flashed through her mind. The feelings , the softly spoken words, laying in his arms at night, the way he kept her warm on cold winter nights.
Then the other memories came back to remind her who she left behind. The man who went from holding her hands ,touching her hair, caressing her face, and those long gazes into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours. To the man who stopped doing all those things the man that she fell in love with. The man who made her feel so terribly lonely, only to pursue his real love his soulless mate, the one who destroyed everything he was once. The one who eventually will cost him everything.
She wished one more time for him to come to his senses. To take her in his arms and keep that promise to love her till the end.
Thats all she ever wanted was to be loved the way she loved. To have someone by her side through the rest of this lifetime, to hold her for no reason other than to whisper how much he loved her, to smell her hair, just to be close to her.
To her this seemed to much like a fairy tale now and unfortunately fairy tales just aren't real.
Maybe its love that isn't real, maybe its just a painfill side effect of our meer fragile existence in this beautiful chaotic world.