

Innermost Struggles.
“Was I ready to see the truth behind my lies?

Was I willing to believe the plea of my beloveds?

Was I ready to break the chains holding me back?

I guess not”.

I couldn't let go of the shackles of the past,

They haunted me like a serpentine verse,

I lived in utter shame,

Because, I couldn't navigate from my right or wrong.

How could I have seen the light?

When all I ever did wasn't considered right,

How was I not supposed to diminish my fate?

When there was nothing to be praised.

I was drained with fear,

Every uplifting words felt unpleasant to my ear,

How do you not expect my soul to be shattered?

I couldn't tune down the voices in my head,

And, you expected me to make credits for myself?

I couldn't even fight the lies that I spewed,

And, You expected me to size myself and make credits!

I couldn't see anything,

Because, I was nothing,


A lifeless body with a beating heart.

~ Nusrah 💎

© nusrah_writes