

The lighthouse,

I don't know where I'm going
but I know how to get there.
The lighthouse is visible
and the time drags
closer to the lighthouse
but Less of me to get there.
The tide of my tears
chips away my edges,
unties my seams,
washes away my sins ,
but still it leaves the scars.
My bones ache as my own tears drown me.
The lighthouse is here.
I'm still empty, I'm still torn open, I'm still crumbling.
the only difference is the tall building looming over me
the same way he used to loom over me.
Another lighthouse appears,
and another,
and another.
It's just a trail of lighthouses;
they never stop.

I'm on a stage,
all eyes on me.
All lights, on me.
I'm choking.
I'm choking dammit hear me.
I'm not breathing.
The lighthouse reappears,
back to square 1.

It's supposed to be unlinked, to illustrate how my mind works. it has reason but others can't see it.
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