

I could not talk to my mom
Couldn't help feeling down
Couldn't smile or even cry
To get over the mental breakdown

Heart started sinking
Into my ocean of tears
Couldn't help but realize
I wasn't close to my dears

My dad was inside
Unaware of the wars in my mind
My tears were loud
Although I cried without a sound

My t shirt damp wet
My mind hay wire
No one except me knew
What I was going through.

It was still alot easier to say
"I'm fine , really, its nothing "
Instead of explaining my thoughts
Or why I was crying.

The time I need it the most
My loved ones somehow disappear
I cry alone locked up
Because I don't know how else to get my mind cleared.

I Don't think therapy would help
Seems like I don't want to be cured
Seems like I cant help my self
Feeling highly insecure.

I cant seem to trust anybody
To understand me or relate
I don't want my feelings to be publicised
Cause they are mine in the end of the day.

It is possible that once in a while
You see me crying
But ever honestly cared?
If I was in need of help?

So there you go
Now you know why I stay quiet
Even when you ask
A hundred times ," why?"

~ Henna

© HennaG