

Dark vs Light (Fading Darkness)
Just as the rain started to fall,
Forces of good and evil instantly clashed,
In circles and in twirls that darkens all,
Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.
Now the storm rages,
It's all too fast!
The once gentle caress of this rain pelts me mercilessly,
Now empowerd by the quaking thunder and bolts of anixiousness.
I was unprepared for this
The light urges me to press on,
and yet the storm's darkeness rages through me...
It barrels through my mind once again
I buckle down determined to win,
This darkness will not keep me pinned!
I grip to the light for dear life...
The the true fight begin.
I will win...
I will win!!
The darkness begins to fade,
Blue skies again? I won!
Thank God, I'm glad I stayed...

© Plumm V Fleur

Keep holding on and you may just see the blue skies you feel that you have been missing out on. Never give in to the darkness even when it rages, hold on to your light! 💜
#WritcoPoemPrompt108 #writcoapp #WritcoQuote #anxiety #dark #light #Struggle #lifetakestwistsandturns #fleuressence