

I will dream.
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams...

Nooo, my dreams won't turn into a screams this time.
With a very sad ending, will end my bad time.
I know nightmares are the first to happen
but with my faith in God, the door of so many great things will be the first to open.

I will dream with so many and beautiful things
that the nightmare will not have even the last place in anything.
All my night terrors will desappear
and the goodness of God will appear.

I will dream my family and I
in a perfect union and love, happy still Eternity.

I will dream my prince charming and I in a perfect love and union, happy still the glory.

I will dream with my account bank full of money
and be able to help so many.

Yes I will dream, I will dream so bigger that the nightmare has to flee from me.

© RebChrist888